Exhibiting at Louisiana and the Venice Biennal on the propagation of life in cities.

LIFE-FILM: When you say the word ‘architecture’ most people think of buildings and houses. If you view architecture anthropologically, it isn’t much about buildings, but about living in and around them.


The now 75 year old architect Jan Gehl has made it his life quest to propagate this view – and he has in many regards had success all around the world. Gehl Architects are now working in Musqat, Columbia, Chongqing, New York, Moscow and many other places to propagate life between buildings.


Gehl Architects strives to create the living city all over the world. The coupling of an anthropological/ethnographic approach and a world-improving vision, rendered it natural for Gehl Architects to contact Social Action in order to work out, how their architectural philosophy should be explained and take shape as a film at the exhibition “New Nordic Architecture” at Louisiana.


This turned into a tight and fruitful cooperation between Jan Gehl, his staff and Social Action, who was given the responsibility of instructing the film. The result is being presented on a 27 meter long and 270 degree round wall at Louisiana. The exhibition was very well reviewed (6 stars in Berlingske Tidende) and the film has been selected as a contribution to the Venice Biennale in August. The exhibition “New Nordic Architecture” is shown at Louisiana until mid-october and in Venice from the 25. of august.